travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • The craziest base jumping spots in the world

    When it comes to extreme sports of all kinds, what you do is just as important as where you do it. Not many people would enjoy paragliding over a boring industrial town or bungee jumping above a boring car park. And this is why people are prepared to travel large distance to practice their extreme sports of choice, so that they will be able to get that adrenaline rush in an amazing place that will make the whole experience of whole lot better.

    Base jumping is no different, especially since the place where you jump off should be pretty tall in the first place, and it should also have a nice view. Base jumping is a dangerous and crazy sport, but if you are a fan of it (or you’d just like to see people base jump) here are the craziest base jumping destinations in the world.

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  • Top 5 college football towns in the US

    Playing sports is a healthy and fun activity, but if you’re not athletically inclined, there’s something else you can do: watch sports! And we’re not talking about sitting in front of the TV couch-potato style, but actually traveling to see some exciting games.

    College football is fun because you can cheer for the team of your old alma mater, or for some relative who’s on the team, or just for no reason at all! The main point is to get into that state of excitement and expectation that results from watching a good game. So if you feel like watching some good football games, here’s a list of the top 5 college football towns in the US.

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  • Halloween Travel Destinations for 2010

    I have a theory that there are two categories of people: those who love Halloween, and those who hate it. And both have good reasons to go off traveling around October 31. If you don’t want to deal with the crowds of children knocking at your door to beg for candy, you should just take a trip somewhere.

    And if you love Halloween, then there’s all the more reason to celebrate it in an original fashion. And since it’s Halloween destinations we’re talking about, it has to be something even remotely spooky, mysterious or downright scary. So here’s our list of the best Halloween travel destinations for 2010.

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  • America’s Most Fabulous Historic Routes

    No matter for which part of the United States you are heading this summer, it is always a good idea to check what attractions you might find in your way. Rather than spending hours in a row in some obscure rest area along the highway, your could use that precious time to visit some less known historic building or natural curiosity. It’s very likely that a 21 century road trip won’t transform you into a men of the west; but it represents, however, a great opportunity to visit some unique attractions and refresh your knowledge of the American history.

    Following one of America’s historic routes is also a great way to make your journey children-friendly and help them learn a thing or two about their ancestors:

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  • Pocket-Friendly Objectives Across USA

    The United States is home to top-notch, expensive cities worldly reckoned for their exclusive, luxurious restaurants, seven-star hotels and glossy shops. The American territory is crowded with travel destinations that are sure to quench every traveler’s needs:  magnificent landscapes created by The Grand Canyon or the Niagara Falls, amusement parks like the Disneyland Park, Great Smoky Mountains National Park or other famous landmarks such as the Universal Studios Hollywood Park, the sun-drenched Waikiki Beach or Times Square.  While the beauty of the landmarks will leave you breathless, the price of a tour/vacation in the USA will have you running for the hills. However, a pocket-friendly vacation is possible even in the most expensive states on the American continent, proving that some well-done research can provide you with unexpected travelling gems and in the same time can help you save a mint. So let us countdown the free objectives across the USA that deserve your attention during these belt-tightening times.

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