the Travel Enthusiast
- 05 Marandra88 in Travel Planning | NO COMMENTS
The best green travel experiences you can try
Staying at a nice hotel, enjoying fine food at fancy restaurants and lounging by the poolside is not the kind of holiday that many can refuse, but as pleasant as it sounds, it does take a toll on the planet. If you are trying to make your travels a bit greener, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up all luxury, all the time, because even a few eco-activities every now and then can make a difference too.
And even if you decide to go green all the way, you will hardly get bored – there are more than enough green ways to enjoy your holiday! Here are some of the best green travel experiences you can try. …
- 24 Octkachou_n in Amazing Places | NO COMMENTS
Natural attractions to see before they disappear
Our planet is unfortunately not unchanging, and much of its natural wonders are more short-lived than we can imagine. This means that the places we still have the opportunity to visit might be gone by the time the next century’s generations of travelers hit the road.
Excessive tourism also has a part to play in the future disappearance of these natural spaces and phenomena, but this can be avoided if you travel responsibly. There’s a long list of natural attractions to see before they disappear, and with some foresight and eco-friendly tricks, you can even help them last longer. …
- 10 Octkachou_n in Travel tips and tricks | NO COMMENTS
Top 5 tips for eco-friendly hiking and trekking
The whole point of hiking is to experience the beauty of nature, to breathe fresh and clean air and to exercise your muscles in a way that is fun and environmentally sound. But as eco-friendly as hiking generally is, there’s always the risk of destroying or damaging a bit of the natural environment where you are.
Since all hikers want to be able to return to their favorite trails and find them unchanged, there are some small steps that you can take in order to make this happen: here are top 5 tips for eco-conscious hiking and trekking. …
- 12 Sep
Green travel in Indonesia
Ecotravel is becoming increasingly popular, and world-class eco-resorts are popping up in the most surprising places. Wherever there is a bit of nature that is especially beautiful or in need of conservation, eco-friendly lodges, tours and resorts are trying to make a difference and allow people to experience the beauty of nature without harming the environment.
Indonesia has a lot of potential for ecotravel, and many local governments are encouraging sustainable travel in all sorts of way. So whether you are a seasoned ecotraveler or if you’re just beginning to dip your toes into it, green travel in Indonesia is something that you should consider. …