travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • The Cuban Santiago Carnival in July


    Naturally you would visit Cuba because of its natural beauties, amazing colonial architecture, sunny beaches and culture. But if you are planning a trip to the country you should also take in consideration the time of the different Cuban carnivals so you can catch one. The Santiago Carnival in July is one of the oldest and most amazing festivals in Cuba that you will surely love!

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  • 5 essential tips for the Rio carnival

    Rio De Janeiro

    Rio De Janeiro

    In Brazil, the carnival before Lent is probably the single most important event of the year, and it is celebrated throughout the ‘s the country, but it’s Rio carnival that became famous all over the world.

    Each day of the carnival, over two million people flood the streets of Rio de Janeiro, putting on the biggest party on the planet. The Rio carnival is a tradition that goes back to over two centuries ago, and each year it’s getting more and more resplendent.

    The main parade is made up by floats and people from the city’s many samba schools, which use the carnival as an opportunity to showcase their talents and compete with each other.  If you want to make sure that you don’t get lost in the sea of colors, beads, feathers and music that is the parade, here are 5 essential tips for the Rio carnival for those who attend it for the first time.

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  • 5 amazing things to do in Trinidad and Tobago

    Pitch Lake, photo by Shriram Rajagopalan

    Trinidad and Tobago might not features as prominently in tourist guides as some other Caribbean nations, but this cluster of island is a true (and often neglected) gem.

    As one of the most industrialized and wealthy Caribbean countries, Trinidad and Tobago doesn’t need to rely all that much on tourism, which means that there is a lot of virtually unspoilt scenery and even some natural attractions that few people from outside the islands have seen.

    Although both Trinidad and Tobago are mixes and jumbles of cultures, the two islands can seem quite different, with Trinidad the financial and industrial center (more cities, more nightlife, more shopping), while Tobago relies more on tourism and its natural beauty. Here are 5 amazing things to do in Trinidad and Tobago.

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  • The best carnivals in the world

    The Venice Carnival

    Carnivals are probably one of the biggest paradoxes in the world. The point is to put on a mask, not to hide your personality, but on the contrary: to show it off. You can dress up in the most ridiculous, unusual, dorky or brilliant costumes just because that’s how you feel like at the moment, and no one will bat a lash.

    Carnivals are great opportunities to let go and just have pure, unsophisticated fun without worrying about the consequences. So get your most outrageous costume and check out the best carnivals in the world.

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  • Amazing Earth: Trinidad and Tobago

    I’m not one to say that colonialism was a good thing, historically and culturally speaking, but in the case of Trinidad and Tobago, I’m tempted to change my opinion just a little bit. After all, this island paradise would not have existed as we know it without the influence of the Spanish, British and French colonialists. The twin nation of Trinidad and Tobago embraces an amazing cultural diversity, which makes it unique even among its sister Caribbean states with whom it shares a similar history.

    Trinidad and Tobago are the birthplace of the calypso and soca music, and of the limbo dance, and the spring Carnival could easily compete with the likes of the Rio Carnival. Discover Trinidad and Tobago, one of the most amazing places on earth.

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  • Top Five Mardi Gras Festivals



    The history of Mardi Gras parades goes back to pre-christian times, when the Romans used to celebrate Lupercalia, a pagan ritual in which circus demonstrations represented the main ingredient (it might as well be the starting point of the notorious catch-phrase ‘bread and circuses”). When Christianity started to spread, it encompassed some of these traditions in a manifestation that was meant to mark the beginning of the 40-day Lent preceding Easter.

    Across the centuries, the Mardi Gras (‘Fat Tuesday’) has grown to represent the carnival period, a time for joy and decadence, when people all around the world gather on the streets, put on their masks and unleash their senses.

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