travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • The best wildlife viewing places in the world

    If you really like animals, then you probably want more than to see them in Animal Planet documentaries or at the zoo, behind bars and cages. The real experience of wildlife viewing entails some effort on the onlooker’s side as well.

    Trekking into the wild, to the habitats of specific animal and observing them in their natural medium can’t be trumped by any zoo or documentary, because this is one of the closest things to seeing how the animals really behave without the interference of humans. If you’re clever enough, they won’t even notice you, and you’ll leave with the knowledge that you managed to see without being seen. So for animal lovers, here are some of the best wildlife viewing places in the world.

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  • Travel tips for green travel

    As we live in the age of global warming, it’s become more important than ever to protect the environment and preserve what we have left of Mother Nature. Besides, green travel is more than a guilt trip that is too uncomfortable to actually enjoy, quite the opposite.

    Green travel can make you feel good about yourself without diminishing the enjoyment of your trip, and it can give you a feel of adventure and maybe even risk. Unfortunately, traditional tourism can take a large toll on the environment, and unless tourists pay more attention to the ‘welfare’ of their destinations, they might disappear soon. So if you want to see the world in an eco-friendly way, here are some tips for green travel.

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  • Adventure travel in Borneo

    If you are thinking of traveling to Borneo, pack a pair of sturdy boots, because you have a lot of ground to cover. Borneo is a big island, the third largest in the world, actually, and it is shared among three different countries: Brunei,  Malaysia and Indonesia.

    There are interesting places in all the three regions of the island, so regardless of whether you’re heading to Brunei, East Malaysia or Kalimantan, you won’t find yourself without things to do. And since this is one of the most exotic places on earth, sitting in a hotel room is absolutely out of the questions. Here is some basic information about adventure travel in Borneo.

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  • 10 weird animals that you can see during a trip


    If you are an animal lover who doesn’t like to see animals caged in a zoo, there are not many obvious places where you can go to see your favorite creatures. Safaris are one option, but despite the rich wildlife in Africa, there are several species that you won’t see in Serengeti or other African parks.

    Good news is that there are several amazing animal species that you can simply bump into during your travels, you just need to keep an eye on them! Here are our picks for the top 10 weird animals that you can see during a trip.

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  • 5 great ecotourism destinations

    Now that global warning is pretty much accepted as a reality by most people, many of us have started worrying about the impact that our hobby has on the environment. You don’t have to be an informed environmentalist to know that a plane-trip, for example, is not exactly eco-friendly.

    As a matter of fact, few means of transport are eco-friendly nowadays (except for biking maybe, but how would you visit islands, then?). So for all of you who are environmentally conscious, here is a list of ecotourism travel destinations that, where you can explore nature without damaging it, and improve the local economy at the same time.

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