travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Top 5 autumn travel ideas



    According to some, summer is the best season for traveling, and although each traveler probably has their personal preferences regarding seasons, every time of the year is fit for some type of travel, or some destination or another.

    Autumn can be rainy and dreary in some parts of the world, while in other corners of the planet the fall season is the time of the year when everything is at its most brilliant and colorful. Eve if you had a summer full of great trips, don’t waste your autumn and its many possibilities for travel – to give you nudge, here are top 5 autumn travel ideas.

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  • The best kayaking destinations in the world

    For the uninitiated, a kayak seems like a very improbable thing to float on water with. Kayaks (similarly to canoes, but with lots of little differences) are small, look rather fragile and not very trustworthy. But appearance aside, kayaks are really one of the best types of small boats you can wish for, and their success is obvious seeing as they haven been used by people for thousands of years.

    Kayaks were invented by the Inuit and were initially made from animal skin, but nowadays they have spread throughout the world and they have been modified and even improved in lots of ways.  So if you are ready to get really close to water, paddling peacefully or hurdling over rocks, here are some of the best kayaking destinations in the world.

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  • The best camping spots in the US

    Since it’s the beginning of November, one would think that the weather is not warm enough for camping in the temperate regions. But if it’s not raining and the weather is mild enough, why should you not go out in the nature for a few days at least? Besides, in the fall season you won’t have to worry about insect bites, heat rashes and dog days.

    All you need is a good tent and a warm sleeping bag, a pot to heat water in, and some good humor. After all, there is no obstacle that a creative camper can’t overcome. So here are the best camping spots in the US, where you can commune with nature for a while.

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  • Five great roadtrips through the US

    UtahAlthough we now live in an age where you can get from one corner of the country to another in a matter of hours, the old traditions of roadtrips hasn’t been completely extinguished yet. No cheap plane trips can replace the freedom and sense of adventure you get when hitting the road in an old car, with only a few CDs, sandwiches and friends as company.

    The best thing about roadtrips is that you can change your route at any moment, and you have  no time constraints. And if you stick to a few useful tricks, you can spend a few weeks on the road with ridiculously low budget. So here’s a list of interesting roadtrips that will take care of your wanderlust.

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