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  • Top 5 weird musems in the world

    Meguro Parasitological MuseumIt is a truth universally acknowledged that tourists must visit museums. Sure, museums are not the only reason for visiting a new destination, but nobody can deny that it’s pretty high on people’s the to-do-lists when they visit someplace new. It’s unimaginable that on your first visit to Paris you don’t visit the Louvre, or that you pass by the British Museum without sparing it a glance when you got to London for the first time.

    Serious museums like this are a must on any self-respecting traveler’s resume. But how about the other, less traditional but just as serious museums dedicated not to art or archeology, but other things, say, parasites? We mentioned the Meguro Parasitological Museum in Tokyo in a previous post, but if you think parasites are a weird thing to put into a museum, read on and let us surprise you.

    Torture Museum, Amsterdam, Holland

    Amsterdam Torture MuseumEvery aspect of our civilization that we’d rather forget about has a museum, and torture instruments are no exception. Visit this hair-raising museum if you want an insight into the sad fates of the criminals/prisoners of olden days. Not only will you get a detailed explanation about how the instruments where used, but there are also pictures which demonstrate it. When you’re finished visiting, I guarantee you that the guillotine will seem like a humane way to end someone’s life.

    Old Operating Theatre Museum, London, UK

    Old Operating Theatre Museum LondonThis is probably the only museum that is even creepier than the Torture Museum. Surgical instruments and other medical devices from as far back as the early 19th century. Actually, rather than hospital equipment, the exhibits in this museum look like the laboratory of a mad scientist.

    The rooms were neither heated not ventilated, but they were soundproofed (it’s easy to imagine why). On a positive note: you’ll be really glad that you weren’t born two hundred years ago.

    The Cockroach Hall of Fame, Plano, Texas

    If you ever wanted to see what a dead cockroach dressed as Elvis Presley looks like, here is your chance. This museum is located in an actual pest shop, and if the owner doesn’t have any clients looking for something to get them rid of ants, he will tell you more about roaches than you ever wanted to know.

    There’s even a scene from the movie Psycho, with a Norman Bates cockroach who has tiny knife in its…hand. And when you’ve had enough of Marilyn Monroach, grab a yummy Larvets Original Worm Snax, a special recipe of curator Michael Bohdan.

    Sulabh International Museum of Toilets, New Delhi, India

    So you have the English toilet, the Turkish squatting toilet, and what else? Ever thought about what toilets look like in other parts of the globe. Sure, nowadays you’ll find toilets just like your own everywhere, but in some places people stick to their traditions. Toilets are no joking matter after all, so they deserve their own museum showcasing their history and development.

    Paris Sewers Museum, Paris, France

    Why wouldn’t anyone want to spend a quite afternoon traipsing through a lovely sewer? This is probably what the museum’s creators where asking themselves before coming up with this idea for a museum. But all jokes aside, this museum is really interesting, seeing as the Paris sewers are one of the most complex sewer systems in the world. Of course, we’re talking about the historic sewers, so you don’t have to worry about the smell.

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