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  • 10 weird animals that you can see during a trip


    If you are an animal lover who doesn’t like to see animals caged in a zoo, there are not many obvious places where you can go to see your favorite creatures. Safaris are one option, but despite the rich wildlife in Africa, there are several species that you won’t see in Serengeti or other African parks.

    Good news is that there are several amazing animal species that you can simply bump into during your travels, you just need to keep an eye on them! Here are our picks for the top 10 weird animals that you can see during a trip.

    1. Aye-aye

    The aye-aye is one of the strangest looking creatures on the planet, and UFO-fans will probably note its similarity to a standard fare alien. Despite their appearance, these creatures are peaceful, so there’s no need to flee if you see one when you’re roaming through Madagascar.

    2. Proboscis Monkey, Borneo

    Proboscises can be found mainly on  insects, and it’s usually not a good sign if they have one, because they will most likely bite. But this monkey species is not dangerous, and the long nose (hence its name) on its face makes it look rather funny.

    3. Naked Mole Rat, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia

    This poor little creature is completely blind, and it lives in colonies with a caste system, akin to ants or bees. If the ‘queen’ is in danger, the worker and soldier moles will do anything to protect her.

    4. Philippine Tarsier, Philippines

    The eyes of this creatures look as big as saucers, and they are twice as large as the peepers of the average human. When they jump their prey, tarsiers keep their eyes shut to protect them.

    5. Emperor Tamarin, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru

    This monkey got its name from the last emperor of Germany, because of their strikingly similar mustaches. Each monkey’s mustache is unique, much like the fingerprints in humans.

    6. Matamata Turtle, the Amazon River

    This gnarly turtle’s name means ‘it kills, it kills’ in Spanish, probably a reference to the savage way in which it snatches up its prey in its powerful jaws.

    7. Gelada Baboon, Eritrea and Ethiopia

    This monkey might not look too menacing until it opens its maw, but once it does, its sharp teeth will surely keep you at distance. The red patch on the female’s chest gets brighter when her hormone levels increase.

    8. Chinese Giant Salamander, Central China and Taiwan

    These rather unsightly lizards can grow up to three feet in length, and their meat is considered to be a delicacy in some parts of China.

    9. Tree Pangolin, Central Africa

    The tree pangolin looks downright cute, but its scales feel like human fingernails, which can be a bit disturbing for some people.

    10. Pygmy Marmoset, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru

    The Pygmy Marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, and it’s probably one of the cutest things you can see in the wild. When frightened it emits a high pitched scream which is inaudible to humans.

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    Happy Camper wrote on December 14, 2010:

    If you don’t have the budget to go around the world to see those, maybe camping in a Nature park is good. Inexpensive yet the same feeling you’d get when you see something similar. :)

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