travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Top 5 New Year’s Eve parties to watch out for in 2011



    There are less than three months left until New Year’s Eve, but many would-be travelers have already started planning for their end of year getaway. There will be no shortage of cool parties to attend in 2011, but if you don’t want to spend the New Years at home and you feel like traveling somewhere to drink your champagne and count down, it’s never too soon to start thinking about where you want to go.

    Choosing a destination as early as now is not a bad idea, considering that you might find some dirt cheap deals that will make the New Year’s party so much easier on your wallet. So here are the top 5 New Year’s Even parties to watch out for in 2011.

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  • Christmas Tours for 2011

    The Danube and Passau in winter

    Many people celebrate Christmas at home, with family or friends, but if you’d rather spend your holidays on the move, traveling to distant places, there’s so much that you can do at Christmas time. Christmas tours are becoming increasingly popular, so if you want to sign up for a tour instead of planning your trip from scratch, there’s a quite a nice selection of trips for you.

    Many Christmas tours for 2011 cater for a variety of tastes, and both active travelers and those who have a more laid back style will be able to enjoy a tour that is precisely to their tastes.

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  • Preparing for Thanksgiving 2011

    Some might say that it’s a bit early to start thinking about Thanksgiving Day already, seeing as it is at the end of November, but as everyone who has lived through disastrous holidays, planning ahead can save your from a lot of trouble.

    Since we know that preparing for a holiday that for most people means a gathering of the whole family (sometimes the extended family, even!), there are a lot of small details to take care of. Three months is plenty of time to perfect your plan for an awesome Thanksgiving Day with the people you love. Here are some tips that will hopefully help you in preparing for Thanksgiving 2011.

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  • The most beautiful rivers in the world

    Mekong River in Laos

    There has always been something about rivers that made them attractive to artists and travelers, and even people who just fancied a quiet walk along the meandering banks of a slowly flowing river.

    Rivers are usually only as beautiful as their surroundings, and a stretch of river that looks like a piece of paradise can quickly turn into a scene from an industrial wasteland. But  some rivers are regarded as universally, unequivocally beautiful, and it doesn’t take an artist to see that. So here are some of the most beautiful rivers in the world.

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  • Top 5 modern ruins for urban explorers

    Gagra, Georgia. Photo by Vyacheslav Argenberg

    The fact that we know out planet pretty well by now (although not entirely), can be a blessing or a curse, depending on your sense of adventure. If you have the time and the money, and you know where you want to go, you can travel anywhere on the map, which is definitely a good thing. On the downside, however, some people could argue that much of the mystery is gone, and trips are no longer journeys of exploration that can lead you to unknown places.

    But if you fancy yourself a modern Indiana Jones, don’t despair yet – there are modern ruins for you to see and explore, and with a bit of imagination they are mysterious enough to satisfy even the most cynic traveler. So here are top 5 modern ruins for urban explorers:

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  • The most amazing botanical gardens in the world

    Botanical gardens might have started out as smallish medicinal plant gardens in the Middle Ages, but they gradually developed into gardens run by universities or scientific institutions in order to study plants and display some of the most interesting specimens to the public.

    Sure, seeing a huge cactus in a greenhouse is not the same as seeing one in its natural habitat, but if you are not able or don’t have the time to travel, the botanical garden is a great place to see a bit of nature. And besides, many botanical gardens are great tourist attractions in their own right, not only because they exhibit some wickedly interesting plants, but also because they do it in a novel way. So here are some of the most amazing botanical gardens in the world.

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  • The best wildlife viewing places in the world

    If you really like animals, then you probably want more than to see them in Animal Planet documentaries or at the zoo, behind bars and cages. The real experience of wildlife viewing entails some effort on the onlooker’s side as well.

    Trekking into the wild, to the habitats of specific animal and observing them in their natural medium can’t be trumped by any zoo or documentary, because this is one of the closest things to seeing how the animals really behave without the interference of humans. If you’re clever enough, they won’t even notice you, and you’ll leave with the knowledge that you managed to see without being seen. So for animal lovers, here are some of the best wildlife viewing places in the world.

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  • Top 5 scary things to do this summer

    Trift Glacier Bridge, photo by Vasile Cotovanu

    Scary is not always bad, it can also be a good kind of scary. Ask any thrill seeker, and they will tell you that being scared is their favorite state of mind. If you wouldn’t mind a few thrills of your own, we’re not about to suggest that you should do something truly dangerous, like swim in shark infested waters or something similar.

    On the contrary, thrill seekers usually take all the necessary precautions that will ensure that they will be around for more thrills next time. So if you’re done with tame, everyday travel experiences, here are top 5 scary things to do this summer that will put some spice in your life.

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  • The best megacities in the world

    Often, if you watch a travel documentary or open a tourist brochure, what it usually advertised is a return to nature, to tradition and letting go of anything artificial. That’s normal, considering that the world is becoming more and more urbanized, and many people who take up traveling live their life in cities, so it is assumed that they want to see something other than streets and sky-scrapers.

    This is not to say that big cities don’t get their share of travelers, because no matter how much you love nature, sometimes you feel like getting lost in the concrete jungle. So how about a trip to some of the best megacities in the world? Sky-scrapers, suspension bridges, shops, busy streets and city life at its most exciting.

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  • Travelling Britain by train: The East Midlands and beyond



    There has always been an element of mystique to travelling by train. In the 40s, train travel was an indulgence of the elite, who would hop across continents in style with their own compartments.

    In many ways modern train travel can be akin to a stint in a mobile hotel, depending on how much money you want to spend. However, for those looking to embark on a sightseeing trip, train travel presents an amazing opportunity to venture into areas of Britain we may not normally visit.

    City dwellers may be reluctant to abandon the endless conveniences of the likes of London, Norwich or Liverpool, but with such short, no-nonsense journeys to places like Nottingham and Sheffield, the East Midlands (and beyond) is easily accessible.

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