travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Top 5 weirdest bars in the world

    Every city has that bar or club that is just a bit different from the rest and doesn’t manage to fit into the conventional standards. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing, although you will need a few minutes to get used to some of the following bard. Innovation, creativity, genius or just craziness?

    That’s up to you to decide, but in any case, you’re guaranteed to be astounded at least a bit by what you’ll see in these places. Here’s a list of the top 5 weirdest bars in the world.

  • Top 5 hottest clubs in Atlanta

    Atlanta seen from above

    Atlanta seen from above

    New South, Old South, they both have their positive sides, and who says you have to choose? Atlanta man ages to mix the hip and modern with the elegance of the old ways. In this city, you can have your sweet tea in an old style coffee shop with a view to the park, and admire an impressive futuristic skyline only a block away.

    And like everything in Atlanta the nightlife is a happy combination of the old and new. If you want to have fun and dance the night away along with the city’s Southern belles and gentlemen, there are plenty of places that you could check out. Here’s our list of the top 5 hottest clubs in Atlanta.

  • 10 weird animals that you can see during a trip


    If you are an animal lover who doesn’t like to see animals caged in a zoo, there are not many obvious places where you can go to see your favorite creatures. Safaris are one option, but despite the rich wildlife in Africa, there are several species that you won’t see in Serengeti or other African parks.

    Good news is that there are several amazing animal species that you can simply bump into during your travels, you just need to keep an eye on them! Here are our picks for the top 10 weird animals that you can see during a trip.

  • The best jazz clubs in the US

    Jazz is probably one of the most typically American music genre ever to be invented, and like many other American invention, it gained huge popularity all over the world. Jazz can be heard in clubs from Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, but some jazz purists claim that there’s no better jazz than the one you can hear in US clubs.

    So if you are the type of person who likes to feel the groove every once in a while (or every day, even), it won’t be easy to choose the best jazz clubs in the US – because there are so many of them! So here is a list of our suggestions.

  • The Advantages of Solo Travel

    Many people never travel because they can’t find someone to go with them. That’s a real shame, because what they don’t know is that when you travel by yourself, you often open yourself up to the greatest adventures and opportunities that you might otherwise miss if you were traveling with a companion.

    In my travels, I have traveled with friends, family, significant others, and by myself and with no disrespect to any of the people I’ve traveled with, the best times on the road have been those times when I’ve been traveling solo.

  • Saving Money on road Trips

    Today’s world of travel is filled with big jet planes, luxury coaches, and plenty of nice hotels, but sometimes you have to get away from all of that and get back to something that is timeless and that will never lose it’s appeal. The road trip.

    A road trip involves a few things: a car, a road, and a person or two who are willing to spend some time exploring the great highways and byways of the world. Often, for budget travelers, the idea of taking a car seems to be a bad once since the cost of petrol, parking, and the responsibility for the car can be big expenses, but there are ways to take a road trip without breaking your entire budget.

  • The best stargazing spots in the world

    I firmly believe that stargazing is one of the oldest hobbies in the world. Stars have been a source of fascination for humans for millenia, and after a while we even discovered how to make use of them (in navigation, for example), but simply gaping at them remained a favorite past-time for many.

    For stargazing, you don’t necessarily need materials, only good eyesight (of course, a fancy telescope does help). Just grab a star chart and find a good place to stargaze. Here’s our list of the best stargazing spots in the world.

  • The world’s ugliest buildings

    National Library of Kosovo

    When you’re an experienced traveler, you learn to appreciate beauty and ugliness alike. After all, any place in the world has its good parts and its bad parts, and no city can be made up entirely of tastefully designed gingerbread houses. After all, that’s the beauty of cities, right? An ugly building will only highlight the beauty of another one, and a bit of diversity is always good…But let’s be real.

    Some buildings are so utterly and terribly ugly that no amount of reasoning can make you see their use, and all you can do is wonder why these monstrosities haven’t been torn down yet! So I hereby present you a list of the world’s most hideous buildings, don’t look at the pictures if you’re sensitive :P.

  • Hiking & trekking in the Andes: the basics

    Outside of Asia, the Andes are the highest mountain range that you can climb. It’s long, strenuous, cold and utterly amazing. Walking in the footsteps of the Inca and other ancient civilizations is an exhilarating feeling, and you not only get to see some of the most amazing views on earth, but also discover the people and the culture of the small, secluded villages on the trail, and of course, the wildlife. So gather your hiking gear, say your goodbyes to modern life for a while, and say hello to the most epic adventure you can experience in your lifetime.

  • Weird and wonderful abandoned buildings in Asia

    Abandoned buildings might be regarded as useless by some people, and maybe a few abandoned buildings have indeed outlived their purpose. However, some of them become something similar to a work of art, testimonies of times long past. Some people make a hobby out of ‘hunting’ abandoned buildings.

    Asia is full of buildings like this, and they vary a lot depending on country. Here is a list of the most fascinating abandoned buildings in Asia.

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