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  • Top 5 tourist attractions in Cuba

    After a long while when Cuba was not exactly a top tourist destination for anyone, the largest Caribbean island is now rapidly becoming a very good holiday attraction. Tourist accommodations are popping up in large numbers, the infrastructure is slowly being improved, and other than that, the country has no lack of interesting things to see.

    Whether you are interested in Cuba’s dance culture and delicious cuisine, or if you are more into natural wonders, you’re definitely not going to get bored on this sunny island. For those who wish to spend their holiday in this unique and exciting place, here are the top 5 tourist destinations in Cuba.

    Maria la Gorda

    This tiny village with a funny name (Fat Maria in Spanish) in western Cuba is a top destination for divers who can enjoy the pristine beach and lovely underwater spots.

    The village is very laid back, it has a few shops, some restaurants and a diving center, and it is a very nice place to spend a few nights even if you are not particularly interested in diving. There are some interesting mangrove swamps near the village, and several hiking trails (especially recommended for bird-watchers).


    Viñales is one of the most beautiful nature parks in Cuba, and a Unesco World Heritage Site. The mountains in Viñales  are truly unique – they used to be karst mountains, but were eroded and rounded by time. The lush valley has approximately 10,000 inhabitants, mostly farmers, who are happy to mingle with tourists.

    Parque Nacional Ciénaga de Zapata

    photo by Laura Gooch

    Somewhat similarly to the Everglades National Park in the US, this amazing place has vast swamps, beaches and world-class scuba diving spots.

    Bird-watchers will pretty much be in paradise here, especially since the local fauna is very varied and not very shy.Don’t miss the Criadero Cocodrilo, a crocodile farm where you can see crocs and even pet baby crocodiles.


    The quaint little beach town of Baracoa is almost 500 years old, and has several interesting historical attractions. However, the best thing about this town is its laid-back atmosphere, and friendly people. You can have a glass of white rum at the town’s nightclub, learn to dance salsa or go walking in the Yumuri river gorge.


    The whole city f Trinidad is a world heritage site thanks to its amazing colonial architecture. Just walking around the city is a treat, but you can also go to the beach on the Ancon Peninsula, dance salsa in the main square at night, or visit the beautiful waterfalls in Topes de Collantes park just outside Trinidad.

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    Camper Glamis wrote on June 26, 2011:

    Very nice photos. I’m sure Cuba has a lot of good spots. Maria la Gorda caught my attention now. I can imagine how lovely the place will be.

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