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  • Top 10 man-made wonders in the world


    We humans are a peculiar race. In only a couple of centuries, we managed to pollute our planet and cause global warming, but on the other hand we did some things that we can be proud of. We made scientific discoveries, we produced art, and all in all, we did have a few really amazing civilizations in our history. And when it comes to building things, we definitely proved that we have some talent and imagination. So here are the top ten most amazing man-made wonders in the world.

    Pyramids of Egypt

    Everybody knows about the pyramids, but no matter how famous they are, it would be absurd to leave them off the list. Unquestionably, the ancient Egyptians knew how to create wonders out of some huge slabs of stone and their nifty physics and architecture knowledge. How they they build the pyramids, and they they really build them at all? Conspiracy theories abound on this subject.

    Great Wall of China

    The Great Wall is one of the few man-made wonders that you can actually see from space – or so they say. The ancient Chinese built the wall to stop the invading hoards of nomads, but they probably didn’t suspect that the wall would become a symbol of their nation.

    Taj Mahal

    The Taj Mahal is associated more with the idea of undying love than architectural greatness, but if you look at it closely, there are few buildings in the world that are more beautiful and lovingly built than the Taj Mahal. Look closely at the intricate carving on the walls next time you visit, the tiny details are just as amazing as the overall structure.

    Macchu Picchu

    The Inca rulers used the city of Macchu Picchu as their residence for only about the century (they would have probably stayed for longer if they Spanish hadn’t come), and the outside world didn’t ind out about its existence until the early 20th century. One of the most beautiful examples of classical Inca architecture ever.

    Hindu Temples in Bali

    Bali already looks like an artist’s impression of Paradise, and in this case the presence of humans didn’t ruin the place, but in the contrary. Some of the most utterly beautiful Hindu temples in the world can be found in Bali. The huge number of temples earned Bali the nickname of “The Island of the Gods”.

    Angkor Wat

    The temple complex at Angkor Wat was built in the 13th century, and it didn’t take long for Europeans to notice its breath-taking beauty. One European explorer in the 16th century wrote that the temples is impossible to describe, because “it is like no other building in the world. It has towers and decorations and all the refinements which the human genius can conceive of”

    Forbidden City

    The ominously named Forbidden City can fortunately be visited nowadays, and it has been turned into a giant museum. This imperial palace dating back to the times of the Ming Dynasty represents that largest complex of ancient wooden buildings on the planet.

    Temples in Bagan

    Bagan is an ancient city in Burma, and it used to be the capital of the long-gone kingdoms of Burma. Although UNESCO refuses to accept it as a world heritage site because some of the buildings were not restored correctly, fact is that the collection of stupas, temples and buildings in Bagan are really amazing.

    Karnak Temple

    Ramses II was a bit of a megalomaniac, and thank heaven for that, because otherwise he probably wouldn’t have begun building the Karnak temple complex. The temples were built in celebration of the Theban Triad of gods, Amun, Mut and Khonsu. The Precinct of Amun-Re is probably the most famous part of the complex.


    Teotihuacan is probably the best-known archaeological site in Central America, and or good reason. The enormous city is very well preserved, and even today you can see the vibrant colors of the murals that decorate many of the buildings.

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