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  • Dallas to Cleveland Cheap Flights for $117

    Cleveland during night

    Cleveland during night

    Here we come with cheap flights for great savings. Fly from Dallas to Cleveland for $117 r/t with taxes and fees and save at least $33 on your ticket compared to all the other companies on this route. Travel in early February with Frontier Airlines and get the cheapest flight to Cleveland.

    Select as many merchants from the box as you can and compare their prices to find the best Cleveland fare. Note that the featured deal is provided by Faregeek but we have found it on Travelgrove.

    Flight from Dallas to Cleveland

    See all details you need on the screenshot and learn that the flight starts from Dallas/ Fort Worth International Airport on February 3 and returns one week later from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE). The departing and return flight are 2 hour 30 minutes and 3 hour 5 minutes long respectively.

    The airline’s frequent flyer program, Frontier Early Returns, will provide you with 2,040 award miles for booking this fare.

    Dallas to Cleveland flight deal screenshot

    Dallas to Cleveland flight deal screenshot

    Best fares on this route

    Get this Frontier Airlines flight for $117 r/t and save over $30 compared to the second cheapest flight, a multiple airlines fare for $150 r/t. We have gathered the best 5 flights into a table.

    cheapest cleveland flights
    Airlines Price*
    Frontier Airlines $117
    Multiple Airlines $150
    US Airways $183
    United Airlines $184
    JetBlue Airways $390

    *The prices featured in the table include taxes and fees.

    Flight deal with Frontier – deal summary

    Price: for $117 r/t

    Taxes and fees: all included

    Departure date: February 3 2015

    Return date: February 10 2015

    Departure: Dallas/ Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)

    Destination: Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE)

    Airline: Frontier Airlines

    Frequent flyer program: Frontier Early Returns

    Class of service: Economy

    Provider: Faregeek

    Category: Product #: Regular price:$ (Sale ends ) Available from: Condition: Good ! Order now!

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