travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Top 10 Sights in East Asia

    Karts landscape in Guilin, China

    We’re slowly making our way across the map in our attempt to point out the ten essential sights that will make your trip so much better. Now it’s the turn of the fascinating Far East, and choosing only ten sights will be a very difficult job. Culturally and geographically, East Asia is as diverse as it can get. Between China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea and Taiwan, there are also the city states of Macau and Hong Kong.

    However, what all these countries have in common is the Chinese influence. From cuisine to philosophy, religion and even writing systems, there’s is a cultural heritage that these countries share to some extent. But delve deeper below the surface and you’ll find that they could not be more different!

  • Cycling holidays: Discover Italy

    Genoa, Italy

    Genoa, Italy

    If we were to do some country stereotyping, Italy would be the land of pasta, the Colosseum and shopping, but that would be a very crass definition of this amazing country. Italy is one of those countries which have the perfect mix of historical, cultural, culinary attractions, and of course, shopping opportunities. But at the root of all of this lies the unquestionable beauty of Italy’s landscapes.

    And the best way to explore them is not by Ferrari (although that comes pretty close), but by two wheels, or two feet. And since Italy is too large to be seen through a walking tour (unless you have lots of time and very sturdy shoes), the best option are cycling tours. So grab your biking shorts and check out these cycling tours in Italy.

  • Aruba on horseback

    From many points of view, Aruba is the perfect island. It is small, but not too small (184 square miles), doesn’t have any pesky rivers that you have to cross, it is pretty much flat, so you don’t have to waste much energy climbing up and down anything, the temperature is constantly around 27 degrees Celsius, it almost never rains and it is outside the Caribbean hurricane belt.

    And the most important part? Undeniably, Aruba has got some of the most incredible beaches in the world. So understandably, exploring the island by any kind of motorized vehicle would be a sacrilege. But if you are not too keen on walking, don’t despair, because there’s another eco-friendly and comfy way of getting across Aruba: horseriding.

  • Top 5 weird underground tours

    Seattle Underground

    Being underground is never a very pleasant thing, unless you are a bit like a mole and like dark places under the earth. Not many people enjoy long subway commutes or train tunnels, but the relative darkness and depth of a place can be an advantage in the case of tours. Bored of city tours in the sunlight? Take an underground tour instead! And here are the weirdest of them all.

  • Scenic coastlines along the Mediterranean

    Nice, France

    Nice, France

    The Mediterranean is not a sea like any other. Probably no other ‘big pond’ in the world has such a complex meaning as the Mediterranean. One can never think about it and not imagine picture perfect views of either the Cote d’Azur, the beaches of Sardinia, or some hip beach on the coast of Italy.

    And more than that, the term now means an entire way of life. Good wine, good food, sunlight and most of the time, the peace of nature. If you want a journey that you won’t forget soon, take a tour of the Mediterranean coasts and its quaint cities, and revel in their unspoiled beauty. Here is a list of what we consider to be some of the most scenic coastlines destinations along the Mediterranean.

  • 10 things you didn’t know about Paris

    People enjoying time in Versailles

    People enjoying time in Versailles

    Paris, the city of lovers, the home of the Eiffel Tower,  the Louvre and many other wonders. We hear so much about Paris in travel guides, advertisements and movies that sometimes it feels like we know everything about it, even if we haven’t even seen it before. No matter whether you are a seasoned Paris-roamer or if you’re planning on visiting it in the future, here’s a list that of things that few people (except for Parisians, maybe) know about Paris.

  • The best camping spots in the US

    Since it’s the beginning of November, one would think that the weather is not warm enough for camping in the temperate regions. But if it’s not raining and the weather is mild enough, why should you not go out in the nature for a few days at least? Besides, in the fall season you won’t have to worry about insect bites, heat rashes and dog days.

    All you need is a good tent and a warm sleeping bag, a pot to heat water in, and some good humor. After all, there is no obstacle that a creative camper can’t overcome. So here are the best camping spots in the US, where you can commune with nature for a while.

  • Christmas dinners around the world

    Christmas is almost here, and everybody knows that the Christmas dinner is one of the most crucial parts of the entire holiday. So what happens if you are on holiday on Christmas and the good old traditional dishes that you are used to are not available? Well, as the saying goes, when in Rome, do as Romans do.

    Christmas dinner is a big deal wherever you go, and one thing that you can be sure of is that your taste buds won’t be neglected. So here are some of the Christmas meals that you can expect in other parts of the world.

  • Top 10 sights in South Asia

    Taktsang Monastery, Bhutan

    The next installment of our series of posts about the absolute top ten sights on each continent will probably offend geography purists, but given the sheer size of the Asian continent, coming up with only 10 attractions is a difficult task. So instead, this post will present the best sights in each part of Asia.

    South Asia is still a pretty big place, and there are far more interesting attractions beyond those that made the list. So, in no particular order, here are the tourist destinations that should feature on anyone’s list of things to see in South Asia.

  • Top cheese regions in the world

    If you think that visiting a place because amazing cheese is being produced or marketed there is weird, think again. Cheese, like wine, is one of those little luxuries of modern life that no one should go without. Cheese regions, just like wine regions, are very popular with connoisseurs and amateurs alike.

    Buying some delicious gruyere is not the same as actually going to Switzerland and tasting the real stuff right from the horse’s mouth. So if you are committed to a life of cheese admiration, you should definitely consider making a trip to some of the most famous cheese regions in the world.

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