travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Wandering life: the nomadic people of Mongolia

    For thousands of years, the peoples living in the stepped of Central Asia have followed their own path, living by their own traditions, without letting themselves be influenced too much by the ever changing ‘modern’ standards of living. For many of us, life outside urban settlements, without cars, sky-scrapers, internet, appliances and gadgets seem almost unimaginable, but nomads are the living proof that life in close communion with nature is indeed possible even today, and some argue that it’s even more enjoyable and uplifting that our so called ‘civilized’ lives. If you want to experience the nomadic lifestyle, you can join an eco-tour, but you might as well go on your own if you’ve got the guts. All you need is a Mongolian phrasebook, a well-stocked backpack and resilience.

  • Spain’s Moorish heritage: the best of Moorish architecture



    In the course of history, there are very few (if any) culture which haven’t been influenced by other peoples, be they colonists, invaders or peaceful neighbours. It’s not difficult to notice that the influence of Europeans is the dominant factor – especially when it comes to the American continent and many parts of Asia and Africa.

    But Europeans haven’t been the only ones who have forced their customs and culture on other people, the Turks or the Moors did it as well (though maybe not quite so prominently).

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